Get Word Crushed!

My Blog. My Opinion. That sounds way too serious. tsk! Anyway, on here all I'm going to do is write. At the end of the day, we all have frustrations and if we're lucky we also got happy thoughts we want to spill. I`m going to spill them here. I love poetry and it is... Continue Reading →

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An Unidentifiable Gargler

Hi! I know. It's been a while. The motivation to continue my practice of ranting here is thanks to a friend that expressed how much she loved reading my blogs. Of course, I loved the adoration and want to hear it again, so I`m sharing minor inconveniences today. I hope, like her, you find peace... Continue Reading →

How I Lost 35,000 And Smiled

I can think of two reasons why you clicked on this: You are looking for tea. Not chai. You really want to know what I did after I lost it because honestly when gossip hits, nobody really cares how it happened. People usually want to know the aftermath....oh, just me, then? Okay, pretty little liar. I believe you. tsk! Kindly... Continue Reading →

I Can’t Read During Quarantine

It's not the noise or will power that I need. I have 100 other things doing butterfly strokes in my head that I could be doing instead. If readers had a coven, and the coven had a law, I would be cast out forever. 

Bye Bucketlist, Hello Living!

Do you know what's going to happen as soon as these dark days pass and our prayers are answered? People are going to burn their bucket lists. 'Live like there' is no tomorrow will most certainly be the attitude of many. The reason being? Quarantine. Staying indoors for almost over a month can be really... Continue Reading →

What Amazing Women Really Do

Hello everyone! It's been a while and I am yawning as I type this. But it's important I get this off my chest before it gets worse. Firstly, I hope everyone is taking precautionary measures and staying safe. Don't hoard stuff unless required. Please think of the old, lonely, physically challenged and help a neighbour... Continue Reading →

Job done – that’s enough!

It's been 7 months since I started my first in-office job. The company is great, the people are really kind and my boss rocks! I wish everyone had a boss like mine. She's really chill but also gets work done. Jumping right in, there is a thing they do at my workplace where employees are... Continue Reading →

End of the road, still speeding

Hi! I'm going to be ranting about something I hope and pray people go through on a daily basis. Sitting here, wondering the possibility that there are about more than a thousand overthinkers out there and I`m not alone. I mean, we are an enormous population! I really suck at math, so I did go... Continue Reading →

Women Of Today

Disclaimer: This post does not intend to shame men nor women. Neither does it say the world is perfect. Just some thoughts shared aloud.  I've always wanted to join the Toastmasters club. (Read now how Toastmasters helped me deliver a kickass toast at my sister's wedding!) If you haven't heard about it, let me fill... Continue Reading →

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